Sunday, November 30, 2008

Caroline's Week

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! Mine was a lot of fun but it went by way too fast. I went out and picked out a 4 foot Christmas tree for my Grandparents and we all decorated it and made some handmade ornaments for the tree. We ate a very good meal that my Aunt Kim prepared and played Mexican Train Dominoes. Our family enjoys playing games together. I worked one day last week at UPS. Man did my legs hurt. I hope I get more work from them....I had a very difficult time getting into the truck because I am so short. I couldn't even reach the handle to pull myself up. If not, maybe UPS is not the thing for me. I worked 4 hours and made about 80 delieveries. My legs are still sore. I also went Midnight Madness shopping at the outlet mall in NE Ohio. It was a mad house...but there were a lot of good deals. My favorite deals were the sales that everything in the store was 50 % off or more. I did not like the buy one get one 1/2 off sales.

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