To my six best friends. I consider them to be my best friends because we have been friends through think and thin...good and bad....and we have overcome the test of time. Thank you all for being there for me....even when I was not myself. I know I have not been myself lately. I am sorry! Please forgive me! I hope to be back to my playful and silly self soon. Thank you for the memories and for taking good care of me. I hope I have done the same for you. I look forward to many more good and fun times together. :)

Carrie & I in our 4th Grade Class

Carrie & I in 7th Grade Before She Moved to Illinois

Carrie Now

Rowdie & I in the summer of 1989.

Rowdie & I New Year's Eve 2009.

Vilma & I at Mentor High School.

Vilma & I After High School

Jackie & I in Florida. I think I met Jackie when I was 13.

Jackie & I (Glamor Shot Photo)

Jackie & I 2007.

Kulwant & I in Canada 2008. We have been friends forever. He now lives overseas.

Noreen & I. We met at my second job when I worked as a waitress at The Mayfield Country Club in like 1994.

I don't have a current picture of her or us together but I do have a current picture of her dogs! :)
Since God knows my heart...he blessed me with good friends.
Thanks again for being my friends! I look forward to more good times and fun times.
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